Wednesday, June 16, 2010

What is holding you back?

ive been very contemplative lately. you may never know that. its all in my head.

today at work i felt so overwhelmed. i had to run an errand that basically was stampled with a huge F for FAIL. As i felt like the world biggest failure walking back from that errand, Jesus opened my eyes to my surroundings.

I noticed all the amazing truth that is on the walls around me (as i am very luck to work in a christian organization).

I cant even remeber it all right now but basically it got me thinking. What is holding me back? It reminds me of that old song, "pushing every hindrance aside, out of my way, i want to love you more"

What is holding me back from doing what i trully desire, what makes me feel alive?
- Fear
- Health Issues
- Rejection
- Comfortability
- Lake of Time (not MAKING the time)
- Not readiness
- Healing

rapha-h found in the verse psalms 46:10 which bascially means:
In the quiet In the stillness I know that You are God In the secret of
Your presence I know there I am restored

tis so sweet to trust in Jesus, just to rest apon his word....
gosh that gives me such i dont even heart just gets so very excited.
He is so worth trusting. so.

to be continued....

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