Monday, June 21, 2010

life is made up of choices

you have to choose. choose to believe a lie or believe the truth. choose to move on or wallow in the past. choose to live for Christ or live for your self. choose to forgive or hold on to your hate? are you going to choose to live in the past or claim your future. choose to claim the power within or choose to give into your flesh. choose to re live the hurt or bring it to Jesus. even the small choices matter. choose to love each person or let it slide. choose to be jelouse or love. -

these choices arent easy. and many of them will have to be made consistently. hourly even. even the small choices will define who you are...they will build or break down your character. make others feel loved or not loved. many choices to be made.

what are you choosing today? what am i choosing today?

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