Thursday, February 18, 2010

if at all possible


If at all possible id love for an "easy" romance. I know that I've always envisioned the long drawn out dramatic epic ten stories awesome love story, filled with ups and downs but none the less the kind of story that would make a great movie but deffinetly filled with lots of tears.

well, ive changed my mind. maybe im growing up. maybe im exhausted, who knows. but J, i would love for it to be "easy". for us to meet, dait and get married. not meet, dait, hear break, break up, get back together break up, blah blah blah.

I know in the past i can be some what "hard" on guys. I am trying to figure out how to be less like that. mind you im not going to loose who i am or my confidence, but more of a gentle spirit. not such a fighter, more of a lover.

anyways, i know heart break is a part of life, and an "easy" relationship would FREAK me out. but i think im on my way to be ready for one. and i know even in an "easy" relationship, ill still get my heart broken (or aleast alittle bruised).

i really like the noshen of "new men, in twenty ten". i like the idea of releasing all hopes from all previous to twenty ten.

basically what i am saying is, im learning to trust you. whatever, whoever, however. i am learning to trust you.



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