Thursday, July 2, 2009



Theres been a few boys that have come and gone
But you were not one of them, especially not jon
Right now, I have no clue who you are or what you do
But I know, I cant wait to fall madly in love with you
I pray for you where ever you might be
That you are seeking the Lord and that you follow him with glee
When will I meet you, I wonder in anticipation
But when I think,about it, I get wet with precipitation
For I am not ready for whoever you are
Im alright, but not quite up to par
I want to love Jesus more and more
And learn how to trust him, right down to my core
Hes got some more healing, he wants to do in me
So that when I find you, we can be happy as can be.
But until then, ill pray and pray for me and for who?
And wait for that day..when I can say…I love you…

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