Monday, July 19, 2010

being content...

...sometimes i get jelouse of other peoples lives especially when they are more awesome, flexible and full of adventure than my current life. Its easy to see just the good. For an example, my roommate is a teacher so she gets her summers off. My boyfriend, has this AWESOME job where he gets to travel all over the world, has a VERY flexible time schedule and gets to take days off, and won't be back in the office till the end of the year (if that). (both of which get paid more than me...side note=)

It is easy to look at what others have and desire that. "The grass is always greener on the other side". But i am learning about being content where God has me. I have a VERY gracious and flexible job when it comes to 9-5s. I can roll in late or leave early and not get fired. I have definitely been blessed. I am sure some people are jelous of my situation as well..

Today, my boyfriend, roommate and friends are at disney. I was invited to go, however turned it down, knowing that i need to be happy for them, and content where God has me today.

In realizing this truth, and being content in this, i have been able to be happy for others blessings and even enjoy my day in my cube, knowing that i am pleasing my maker by sitting and working in my 9-5.

And i can sit here and be thankful that people i love get to have a wonderful day at Disney=) God certainly is good...

update: its definitely something that i have to continually give to Jesus and trust him doesnt always come righttttttt now (im in a longggg meeting)!!

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