Tuesday, April 20, 2010

april twenty-eth

well...todays a day full of tons of meanings for tons of people. but for me, today...what does today represent?

its wierd not crying, its wierd knowing apart of your past but not feeling it. when i cried, maybe it felt more real. but in a sense. im glad that it doesnt. its nice to be able to move on...but...i will always miss you. just the other night i sat in front of your house and just cried and cried and cried. that was the night or the night before when Jesus said, Ruth you need to let go.

i havnt wanted to, a part of me still doesnt want to. but theres nothing left to hold on. only memories.

your such a precious part of me. ill always have a place for you.

one month till 5 years. oh my goodness child. how time flys. youve been gone now longer than n we were together. but i met you when i was 14, you died when i was 20, started daiting at 16. so ya....gosh=)

Friday, April 9, 2010

you were there...

good morning Jesus=)

guess what? yup your right, im twenty five...sooo i just clicked on my worship play list, wondering what my first birthday song would be: its hosanna. "the old has gone, the new has come" i pray this is true for my next 25 years.

gosh, you above anyone else has truly watched me grow up in the last twenty sixish years. you were there when we were conceinved, you were there when you seperated amanda and i into two. you were there as i grew up, my first step...youve been there for alot of first in my twenty five years, my first heart break, my first devesating devestating heart break. almost five years ago.

you've taught me so much. gosh this is year. i remeber when i turned twenty. i gave that decade to you. well im half way through it. i kinda feel like its been more my decade than yours. lucky you are SUCH a SUCH a good God (which is interesting because ive spend alot of time this decade figuring that out) but since you are so good you have and are redeeming all of this time i spent fighting for the decade instead of surrending it to you.

current song: you cane to find me a mess at the door, how can you choose me when im just begun...i do hope and pray that to be true...i really hope taht ive just begun.

Jesus you make me giddy. i love that youve walked my whole life with me...theres no one else on earth tat i can reminse MY ENTIRE life with but you...i did reminse alot tonight. Jesus alot of life comes and goes...so many pictues just put an ache in my soul...an ache that i will have until i am trully home...

thank you for being my home away from home. in you i have peace...thank you for putting this ache and giddyness in my soul for you. i feel like you are close. i have been craving to feel you close all week...and i just havnt. thank you for meeting me here in the morning of my birthday. what a delightful gift...

you are so faithful...thank you for giving me friends that are delighting in me tomorrow. what a blessing a million blessings to be able to spend the day feeling loved. thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you. Jesus, you know oh how i am falling shot how its hurting me and hurting those you love. whisper your truth and queit guidance...i want to folllow you...


thank you for these words from these years: faith, hope, love, trust.

you were there as i realized that i did not believe that you were good...you were there...you walked me through it...and saw me out...you were there when i went to summer project and found a best friend and accountability partner...you were there when as a little bitty baby i had other little bitty baby twin friends, youve walked with us as we have all grown into 25...lots of ups and downs but you have been there...thank you for brining desiree back again...

thank you for being there....

current song: "how great is out God" you were there the many times when i sat, tears streaming from my eyes...the words couldn;t form on my mouth, my heart believed it, but all i could do was lift my arms to you...

you were there every time i laughed with my wonderful cousins...gosh what a joy and blessing..you were there as we played tod. as we peed on the floor and sang our hearts out, as we broke down cars and laughed out hearts out....

youve been there as ive made amazing friends and lost them as well..

current song: "have your way" you were there this last year as you blessed me beyond belief during the process of amanda gettting engaged and moving away. thank you...

"even when my dreams have died, and even if i dont survive, iill still worship you with all my life"

you were there when you walked with noah, woah...i forget that sometimes. noah deff made some mistakes (slept with his daughter...EWWWWW) but he sure did trust in you. I don't want you to look at me and be dissapointed that you created me. i know that you can't because when you look at me you see Jesus and praise YOU he is perfect...but i do want to make you proud...thanks for being there...

you were there...you are there...

so much has happened in the last 25 years...so many chanegs so many stages...but ive had one constant...you...thank you for walking me through the last 25...im excited to walk with you through the next...

ps. i would like to give you my day. i will deff be tired. id like to focus on others, not myself. id like to choose a delightful mood even when i dont feel it. but i know i cant do that with my blah flesh...walk with me as youve done for the last twenty five years=) i want to give you my partay my expectations my hopes dreams and desires. i want you to be glorified i want you to laugh in delight. thank you for everything thus far. i cant never ever thank you enough. ps. i cant help but think of my dear friend who no longer feels your presence...can you come apon him, or whatever you do...whisper in a STRONG sense into his soul tomorrow...remind him of your presence...that would be pretty special.

you hold my every moment
you calm my raging sea
you walk with me through fire
you heal my dease
i trust in you.
i trust in you.

i believe your my healer
i believe you are all i need.

i love spending time with you...what should i give you for my birthday?

nothing is impossible for you..world race...me changing? you hold my world in your hands...you hold MY world in your hands...nothing is impossible for you...you dont just hold THE world...but you hold MY world...thats speciic...i believe your my hearler...

He replied, "You of little faith, why are you so afraid?" Then he got up and rebuked the winds and the waves, and it was completely calm. i do want to trust you. i do...

In Christ alone...what if i could trust in christ alone?
there in the group his body lay
light of the world by darkness slay
then hursting forth in glorious day
up from the grave he rose again
and as he strans in victorry
sins curse has lost its grip on me
for i am his and he is mine
brought with the precious blood of christ